Special Education

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Special Education is the Practice of educating students in a way that accommodates their individual
differences, Disabilities and special needs these interventions are designed to help individuals with
special needs achieve a higher level of personal self – sufficiency and success in school and in their
Special Education aims to provide accommodated education for differently abled kids with special
needs students such as learning disabilities, learning difficulties such as dyslexia &ADHD,
communication disorders etc…
Special Education is the form of education planned for the students with special needs
The Pre-School program includes a comprehensive wide range of activities that includes

  • Identifying alphabets
  • Identifying numbers
  • Shapes, Colours
  • Concept of big /small
  • Grouping / Classification
  • Odd one out
  • Phonic sounds of alphabets
  • Matching activities
    In precise, we help the child to get ready for kinder garden class no that they can perform
    good with par of other normal kids
    That addresses the students
    1, Individual differences
    2, Needs
    The main objectives of special education
    To identify disability among preschool children
    To provide opportunity to participate in an approved preschool program

Assessment in Special Education
It involves collecting information about a student for the purpose of making decision
In this process used to determine a child’s specific learning strengths and needs to determine
whether or not a child in eligible for special education
In synapse we offer special education classes from the Pre – Primary age and make them get ready
for their kinder – garden classes in school.

Remedial Teaching
Remedial teaching is providing instructional correctives, it is a process of removing the pupil’s
learning distortions or subject matter difficulties that hare crept in to the understanding and concept
of that subject while learning
In remedial teaching we use remediation strategies include
# Reteaching

# Using alternative instructional strategies
# Task analysis
# One-on-one teaching
Remedial instruction aims to improve a skill or ability in each student. using various techniques,
such as more practice or explanation, devoting more time to working on skills
In synapse we assist students from class 1 to 8 in remedial teaching.
Remedial teaching should be started immediately when the difficulties in learning in school I
have been noticed, no that the students would not stay behind permanently in the studies
The main principles of remedial teaching include
# Teaching preparation
# Make various learning activities
# Design meaningful learning situations
# Provide clear instruction
# Enhance learning interest and motivation
Remedial reading strategies includes
# Encourage daily reading
# Focus on comprehension
# Fun & games

Difference between special and remedial education , special education is not the same as
remedial education. remedial education is re teaching and remediating learning difficulties , for kids who has already
good knowledge of alphabetical and numerical concepts
Special education -unlike remedial program is only for pupils with disability ties , it is specific to
each learner and is continuing ( ex) vis/hearing /locomotor handicapped